Bill Gohr awarded Lifetime Membership

Bill Gohr gets his award
Jerry Nunn presents Bill his Lifetime Membership Award on behalf of the Club.

Bill Gohr's entry into the Corvette hobby came when he inherited his father's 1963 corvette roadster in the late 70's. He had it restored to its original condition and still drives it today. Early on, Bill became one of the first members of the Classic Glass Corvette Club. He has been a member ever since.

Through the years Bill has held a number of elected positions and served on the Board of Directors several times. Bill participates in the majority of the club activities and attends almost all meetings. He is the club's unofficial liasion with NCRS in which he has been very active.

After getting out of the restaurant business, he opened Blue Ribbon Products, a corvette parts business specializing in the early years. Bill constantly promotes the club through daily contacts in his parts business.

Bill is a true corvette enthusiast and has been very loyal to the club and hobby.

Thank you Bill for all you have meant to Classic Glass.

Bill was one of the first people we met when we joined the club back in 1985. He made us feel welcome and introduced us to many of the other members. He was instrumental in getting us to join the NCRS, and introduced us to the restoration aspects of the Corvette hobby. Bill was always available with information during the restoration process of three of our previous Vettes. If we needed parts he was available to help. If we needed advise or information about the best people to see about repairs, he was available.

In short Bill is the personification of the best in the Corvette hobby. He is personable, knowledgeable, and giving of his time and energy towards the betterment of the hobby, the Classic Glass Corvette Club and the NCRS.

Wayne and PJ Ray

PS Oh, and one last thing; he gives us discounts!

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